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Our passion lies in awakening the connection to your inner spirit. We offer informative resources, empowering practices, and beautiful Jewellery Crystal Creations – all designed to support your holistic well-being journey.

Gemstones Benefits

Diamond: Embodying brilliance, diamond ignites a sense of luxury, awakens the pursuit of pleasure, and fosters abundance within the soul. (Soul Star Chakra)

Pearl: A symbol of purity, the pearl bestows clarity of thought, promoting spiritual awakening and a connection to the divine. (Crown Chakra)

Sapphire: Nurturing wisdom and inner vision, blue sapphire fosters tolerance and strengthens memory, sharpening the mind’s third eye. (Third Eye Chakra)

‍Cat’s Eye: A talisman for clear communication, cat’s eye empowers maturity and self-expression, allowing your voice to resonate with truth. (Throat Chakra)

Emerald:Radiating peace and balance, emerald cultivates emotional well-being, fostering mental clarity and a sense of contentment. (Heart Chakra)

Sapphire: A beacon of inner strength, yellow sapphire ignites wisdom and compassion, empowering you to connect with your personal power. (Solar Plexus Chakra)

Garnet ( for Hessonite): Embodying vitality, hessonite promotes health and longevity, fostering a deep sense of well-being within the core. (Sacral Chakra)

Ruby: Sparkling with fiery energy, ruby ignites leadership qualities, fostering independence and a commanding presence. (Root Chakra)

Coral: A symbol of courage and resilience, coral awakens inner strength, energizes the spirit, and empowers the will to succeed. (Earth Star Chakra)

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Benefits of pyrite stone:
 Pyrite is a powerful protection stone that protects the wearer from negative energy as well as from environmental pollutants.
 Stimulates the eye chakra and the throat chakra.
A stone that inspires creativity and adds a touch of extra sparkle.

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Do you feel the energy of abundance stagnant and you need to revitalize it? You see the chances of life are few and you want to increase them?
Do you want to benefit from the energy of the environment in which you live? And increase the blessing and the flow of energy in your life?Place the Abundance Stones to the southeast of the space (office, room or home) to activate the Corner of Abundance.
Crystal clear