
نحن شركة مقرها البحرين تأسست في عام 2019 وتتخصص في البلورات والمجوهرات وأدوات الطاقة. نعتقد أن البلورات هي أدوات تساعدنا على شفاء حياتنا.

We are genuinely interested in aiding you on your spiritual journey! Our ultimate wish is for you to feel the love that was present throughout the creation of our jewelry. We hope that it inspires you, resonates with you.
We source fair and ethically traded products at Crystal Clear whenever possible. Our products are natural and divinely wonderful for the benefit of your personal well-being and are sure to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Our mission is to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by offering these natural healing products.With Joy, 
Safa Abdulla